Friday, March 12, 2010


So I sat down before and had, as my friends would say, "Bloggers Block!" I think I laughed for like a good five minutes but then again, after the day I have had, I am surprised I am not delirious! I say meet me at the Tiki for Drinks!

I go back in time first to my student teaching days or Junior Practicum for some. Mine was incredibly difficult. After the initial shock wore off, i got ready to hunker down to business. I was so excited until I met "Lord Voldemort" as we call him. (Thank you to J.K. Rowling.) Ooh, was he awful. I thought this is it, I am being punished for all of my hard work and determination. I mean I am part German but come on, can one person be that tough? I worked through "Lord Voldemort's" evil teaching prowess and developed into something, I like to call a teacher. (Okay so maybe I wasn't bona fide yet but I was there.)I laughed with the kids. I made the seniors read MacBeth and they had to update it, place it in the now. I had boys in tights and dresses and girls wrapped in flannel shirts. We had a great time!

So fast forward to today. I am excited, gung ho even. It's Friday, I am going to do this lesson on the Great Gatsby. (Of course, it is a Friday after the FCAT testing, you would think I had learned my lesson. Please, teach on a Friday! HA, that's like pulling teeth with a hammer!) Also, on a Friday we are lucky to get five kids to come to class and today it rained. I was batting a thousand here. But anyway I trudged on, I am going to have them play the parts of Gatsby and Daisy. So, I get them to be quiet..HA what a joke. My attempts were lost.

The students were shouting and yelling. One girl was putting make-up on the girl in front of her, telling her she'd get her a boy toy. Two boys in the back were listening to their I-pods, one girl was texting, another two were talking about their dates tonight and then, my shining stars, three girls and two boys excited to learn and ready to act. I blinked the lights, I clapped my hands, I jumped on the desk and of course threw things all to no avail. I threw up my hands and yelled, "Am I being punked? Where the heck is Ashton?" Kids looked up and started laughing. "We love you, Miss! You da bomb!" I swear some days there is not enough free alcohol in the entire world to quench the insanity.

So, Ashton Kutcher, if you happen to be reading this, please look me up cause I have a got a show idea for you!

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